Vespers Typikon, February 2015

Sunday, February 15 - Cheesefare Sunday, St Onesimus, the Apostle

Sunday, February 22 - First Sunday of Lent, The Finding of the Martyrs at Eugenia

  • Lamplighting Psalms - 7 Stichera of the Resurrection, tone 4.  3 Stichera and Glory of the Sunday, Podoben Tone 6, Vse Otlozhyvshe.  Now and Forever, Dogmatik, Tone 4
  • Aposticha of the Resurection, Tone 3. Glory and Now of the Sunday, Tone 1
  • Resurrectional Troparion Tone 4; Glory, Common Troparion to Martyrs, Now and Sunday Theotokion, Tone 1 (if the alternate Troparion, Tone 2 is taken, the Glory, Now, and Theotokion are Tone 2)